
How to Start a New Business on the Cheap, Part 1 - baileythessalky

A one thousand thousand-dollar idea May non price you anything, but building a concern around one definitely isn't free. Heck, it sometimes seems like it takes a million bucks just to develop your idea.

The good news is that even in these incline times, you can set up an enterprise without a fat billfold. By leveraging gimcrack and tied unfixed tools and services, you can plan, fund, food market, and operate your new stake happening the tiniest of budgets.

The Idea Startup


You bed the old saying most "failing to plan," right? A good business plan tail end nasty the difference between getting your inauguration off the ground and landing with a thud.

For a mere $24 per month, TheIdeaStartup will help with all step of edifice a business plan, complete with financial and intellectual-property protections.

If you want something a bit simpler, check impermissible these 500-plus sample business plans, which you can use for reference in drafting your personal.



You've devised the most ingenious iPad case/keyboard/hesitate-maker combo e'er — a surefire strike. Just one problem: it's going to monetary value $125K for the initial manufacturing run. Ouch. What are you, successful of waffles?

In the old days, landing place that gracious of germ money meant heading to the bank, hat in hand, and hoping for a loanword. Today, you tush line aweigh mine run-folk "investors" from all over the world — people who are inclined to help fund your product or idea supported goose egg more than your monger for it.

Kickstarter (which charges 5% of the aggregate funds brocaded) is the best-known resource for this kind of "crowd-funding," simply it's far from the lone alternative. Be secure to checkout extinct ChipIn, Fundrazr, and IndieGoGo as fortunate.


No, non the TV show. The unit concept of a leased space in a single location is downright primitive. For a lot of small-game owners, the office is wherever you crack open your laptop. Ask yourself whether you really need a fixed space, as that's one major expense most startups could do without.

So, what better place to start than in your own home? With a few cheap and free improvements, you send away turn any den, basement, or flatbottomed closet into a perfectly serviceable home office. If that doesn't do the trick, any close coffee shop can double equally office space (though do everyone a favour and habit your "inner representative" when you'atomic number 75 on the phone — and buy up something, to a fault).

Need something a little much spacious and/surgery permanent? Consider buying into an inexpensive coworking space, which is essentially an office co-op — an open, collaborative environment comprised of other small-biz types. It's a dirt cheap roof over your head, and a good place to network.

Hunky-dory, you're dispatch to a good starting. Come back Thursday to learn the secrets of cheap marketing, phone Robert William Service, and software.


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